~ Customer register ~

Dear diary,
An old client just registered! I sorted the records by date, so I can easily see who recently registered! Isn't that wonderful? If I don't get into Tokyo U with that... :)";} else { print "

Hehe, I just found the Client Register of Hinata-sou at Haruka-san's place. When I think about all the people who slept in my room in the past... brr! I brought it here and recopied everything in my diary, so I can keep traces of it! If people already came at Hinata-sou before and don't see their name here, they should add it here!";} ?>

Naru Narusegawa

$queryresult"; //print "
$myquery"; print "
I already found $numrows customers who went to Hinata-sou!"; $i4=0; while ($i4 < $numrows){ $room = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"room"); $owner = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"owner"); $nom = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4, "nom"); $email = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"email"); $url = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"url"); $comment = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"comment"); $referrer = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"referrer"); $date = mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"date"); $annee = substr($date,0,4); $mois = substr($date,5,2); $jour = substr($date,8,2); $heure = substr($date,11,2); $minutes = substr($date,14,2); if ($mois == "01") {$mois = "January";} if ($mois == "02") {$mois = "February";} if ($mois == "03") {$mois = "March";} if ($mois == "04") {$mois = "April";} if ($mois == "05") {$mois = "May";} if ($mois == "06") {$mois = "June";} if ($mois == "07") {$mois = "July";} if ($mois == "08") {$mois = "August";} if ($mois == "09") {$mois = "September";} if ($mois == "10") {$mois = "October";} if ($mois == "11") {$mois = "November";} if ($mois == "12") {$mois = "December";} print "
"; print "
On $mois $jour $annee at $heure:$minutes, room $room ($owner's now) has been rent by:"; print "
Name: $nom"; print "
E-mail: $email"; print "
Website: $url"; print "
How did the client get here?: $referrer"; print "
What did he think of his stay here?: $comment"; print "

"; $i4++; } ?>
Would you like to rent a room?

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Your website's URL (if you have any) :

Your comments on this site:

Where did you hear of this site?:

"; print "Date and time of the record: $date

"; print ""; print "Your IP address: $REMOTE_ADDR

"; print "Which room would you like to rent?
"; print ""; $num2 = $numroom; Print "
"; print "
" ?>