~ Photo Album ~

Dear diary,

Today, I began to make a photo album of all of us. It's very exciting because I'm rediscovering old pictures, reminding me of a lot of memories... So I decided to share those with everyone!

Aïe! Impossible de se connecter à la base. Si le problème persiste, il faut contacter Axel (code d'erreur 405)."); MYSQL_connect("localhost","narudiary","keitarooo") or die("
Impossible de se connecter à la base. Si le problème persiste, il faut contacter Axel (code d'erreur 405)."); @mysql_select_db("narudiary") or die("
Unable to select the database. If the problem persists, I should think of contacting Axel (error code 402)."); $myquery = "SELECT numpic FROM pics ORDER BY numpic DESC"; $queryresult = MYSQL_QUERY($myquery) or die("
Arg! Unable to execute the query. If the problem persists, I should think of contacting Axel (error code 412)"); $numrows = MYSQL_NUM_ROWS($queryresult); $numentries = $numrows; while ($numentries > 0) { $numentries = ($numentries - 15); $numpages = ($numpages + 1); } $index = $_GET[index]; if ($index=="") {$index="1";} $pagedisplay2 = ($index+1); $thepage = 0; print "This is page $pagedisplay2 of the photo album. You can see the other pages here:

Pages: "; while ($thepage < $numpages) { $pagedisplay = ($thepage+1); print " [$pagedisplay]"; $thepage++; } if ($index == "0") {$limit = 0;} else {$limit = ($index * 15);} $myquery = "SELECT numpic, desceng, numtype FROM pics ORDER BY numpic DESC LIMIT $limit,15"; $queryresult = MYSQL_QUERY($myquery) or die("
Arg! Unable to execute the query. If the problem persists, I should contact Axel (error code 412)"); $numrows = MYSQL_NUM_ROWS($queryresult); $i4=0; while ($i4 < $numrows) { $numpic=mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"numpic"); $desceng=mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"desceng"); $numtype=mysql_result($queryresult,$i4,"numtype"); switch ($numtype) { case "1"; $ext = "jpg"; break; case "2"; $ext = "gif"; break; case "3"; $ext = "png"; break; case "4"; $ext="bmp"; break; } $imgurl = "../images/galleries/$numpic.$ext"; $thumburl = "../images/galleries/$numpic"."t.$ext"; $imagesize = GetImageSize("$imgurl"); $imagebytes = filesize("$imgurl"); print ""; print "
"; print "
$imagesize[0] x $imagesize[1]
$imagebytes bytes
"; $i4++; } include ('../footer.inc'); ?>